
Our Unwavering
Commitment to you.


Proof of our confidence every F3 product will stand the test of time or it will be replaced.

Lifetime Warranty applies to original owners only (valid proof of purchase required). If one of ourF3 products fails due to a manufacturing defect we will repair it without charge, or replace it, at our discretion. Only original, unaltered and unmodified items and craftsmanship are covered. This warranty does not cover crash damage, improper care, improper installation or negligence.

We design and manufacture our products to very strict tolerances and quality expectations. Post manufacturing we inspect and assemble each part - by hand. We understand that crashes and mishaps happen and would gladly like to hear the stories. We also have very keen eyes when reviewing our babies - we can identify scratch marks made by angry pliers, damage done by the winging-it installation method. Detailed instructions & videos are on the website and packaging for good reason. The bike industry term JRA (as in this thing happened when I was “Just RidingAround”) still applies.

Warranty does not cover damage to phones, computers, lights, or cameras, caused by improper installation, or improper use, or a failed F3 Cycling part. User assumes that risk. Sales tax, freight,VAT/Import duties, shipping, are not covered by F3.